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Thursday, 6 September 2012

Disney Land Tokyo, Japan

All those people who want to go back to their childhood must definitely visit Disney Land. It is no doubt that you will be carried away with joy and excitement.

Tokyo Disney Land is just mind blowing. This was the first one to build out side the United States so have a look and enjoy.

Access: By Car, Bus and Train.

Restaurants/Cafes: There are plenty of options in Disney Land including Vegetarian restaurants.

Tickets: Entrance tickets costs around 6000-7000 yen. But, it differs when there are some offers. I was one among the lucky ones, where the entrance ticket was 5000 yen on that particular day. Also, they have a multi-day passport, night passport and group passports.

Cinderella Castle

Fireworks at Disney Land


  1. 東京ディズニーリゾートでは、遊ぶこと、泊まること、食べること、ショッピング、すべてがエンターテイメント!東京ディズニーランド、東京ディズニーシーの2つのテーマパークを

  2. 東京ディズニーランド Tōkyō Dizunīrando

  3. Japanese looks very interesting...superb!
