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Showing posts with label toyota automobile museum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toyota automobile museum. Show all posts

Monday, 3 June 2013

A Visit To Toyota Automobile Museum

Japan's famous Automobile giant "Toyota" was a most prominent destination to visit during our stay.
The Luxurious Lexus, Land Cruisers were zooming at high speeds in mind and we decided for a half day tour to the Toyota Automobile Museum.

The Toyota Automobile Museum is in Nagakute City, near Nagoya, Japan.

Here we got to see the new launches (Lexus IS, CT and Rx series), yet-to-be's, racing machines (TRD equipped) and more.

It was an awesome feeling to sit and feel the glossy cars. The comfortable, new technology seats were a touch and feel experience.

We could also get the essence of speeding and drifting while driving the Safety Simulators.
Who can forget the Supra drifts?...Well, the famous speeding Cars were also a part of the Toyota range of cars.

There was also some genuine entertainment by the Japanese dancers to encourage the lovers of motor sports.

All in all, it was a fantastic feel of luxury, speed and brand.

And by the way, we also came across the famous Zepp Music halls, a popular place for Japanese musicians which can house more than 2,000 people at a time.